Argentina Album

Argentina Album

Price: $27,00

Sport Friendly: The Field of Diversity!

The 100% Argentine Album (2022)

1 year of production featuring over 500 photographed players, 18 inclusive sports associations from across Argentina, and interviews with Argentine athletes aimed at making visible and promoting a more inclusive sports world. Portraying and giving a voice to both professional and amateur players, this bright, colorful, and festive album takes on the codes of the traditional 'Panini' album to become a committed platform in support of the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQI+ community in Argentina

Product Description

Photographs, texts, and editing by Émilien Buffard
Foreword by Raúl D'Amelio
Interviews with Cecilia Carranza Saroli, Facundo Imhoff, and Jessica Millaman
96 pages – Size 33 x 24 cm
1 poster – 1 sheet of stickers – Bagged
Spanish edition of 2,000 copies, 2022

Image Gallery

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